Monday, January 8, 2007

English Lit Since 1800

So this is my blog for EngLit. I have no idea what we are going to do with them, only that they are required (or so I have deduced). Because my previous track record with blogs shows a tremendous gap in between postings, I am somewhat excited to have an excuse to post stuff with content.


Anonymous said...

I agree on the whole blog thing. I have NEVER used one before although my children do all the time. My guess is that "if you build it they will come". Guess we will find out. I do want to comment on the title of your blog. The authors are indeed dead but their ideas and the text that gave constructs to their ideas are very much alive!

Alyx said...

I agree with you. If the ideas of the authors of these works weren't relevant today, such courses would be utterly pointless!