Sunday, April 22, 2007

door number one or number two?

This week we finished reading Mrs. Dalloway. One of our discussion questions was about the choice Clarissa makes between Richard and Peter. Whether we thought she made the right choice or not.

Are all choices right or wrong? Is it really that black and white?

I think back at the many many choices I have made in my journey to where I am now - what college, what major, even what computer to type on. Those are big. There are smaller ones too - white or red wine? sneakers or sandals? air-conditioning or fan? The small ones aren't exactly going to impact my life in any great way (although having flip-flops on when it rains could be argued to be a good decision). Then there are the bigger ones, the ones that I possibly feel regret about - letting love walk out of my life, cutting people off because they were slowly making me a terrible person, not having the gas immediately turned on when I moved into my first apartment.

But years later, who's to say if I wouldn't regret chasing that love and ending up miserable, or continuing an unhealthy relationship just to have a person to talk to, or paying the gas bill for those days that I would have otherwise frozen through (but lived to type about)?

You can't beat yourself up about the choices you make. You just learn from them, good or bad.

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