Sunday, February 25, 2007

Frankenstein...Goblins....What's Next?

Goblins get a bad rap. They are short and ugly and have spawned ideas for other creatures (house-elves, Golem). So perhaps they were the perfect, yet odd, choice for Rossetti's poem "Goblin Market." Over the course of the poem, one girl named Lizzie, gobbles up fruit sold by the goblins. She could not help herself, they kept crying out to her! Her sister, Laura, shelters herself from the advertising in order to not cave herself.

Sounds like marketing today. Can you even watch an hour of television (via actual TV) without seeing the same (usually terrible) ad over and over and over? With technology this has gotten even worse. Billboards, pop-ups, flash banners, special sponsorships, promotions, infomercials--even foreheads-- have become a place for sellers to make their mark. We cannot, no matter how much we may desire, flee the scene as Laura does. And we cannot give into to every advertising ploy or we would be broke (and dead). We must find a happy medium within our own desires.

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